Call for Abstracts: Open Call
The journal Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment, published by the University of Pennsylvania Press, invites submissions for:
Our First Open Call!
Throughout the nearly 15 years of publication on themes ranging from Repair (1.1); Adaptation (2.2); and Vandalism (5.1); to broader relational contexts of Landscape & Climate Change (5.2) and Gentrification & Heritage Conservation (8.1); as well as the challenges of conserving historically marginalized heritage rendered largely invisible – LGBTQ Heritage (8.2); and the world making project of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention (11.2) we have received unsolicited submissions worthy of consideration but outside the remit of our thematic calls for abstracts.
We’d like to remedy that. In response to persistent queries, we are devoting an issue to an Open Call.
Abstracts of 200-300 words are due 15 May 2024. Notifications and invitations for manuscript development will be sent early June 2024. Final manuscript submissions will be due late November 2024.
Change Over Time welcomes submissions from scholars, practitioners, and artists whose work brings a critical perspective to conservation and the built environment. See previous issues of the journal for reference. After approval of a short abstract, manuscript submissions can take a variety of forms including:
- Provocations (1,000 – 1,500 words)
- Short case studies (4,000 – 5,000 words)
- Articles (5,000 – 7,500 words, maximum 10 images)
- Photo essays (15 images and captions)
- Interviews/Profiles (3,000 – 5,000 words)
- Literature reviews (3,000 – 5,000 words)
- Translations into English of key theoretical proposals critical to conservation discourse
All manuscripts should be accompanied by a lead image and supported by the inclusion of additional figures. See Author Guidelines for full details at cotjournal.com, or email Editor, Kecia Fong at cot@design.upenn.edu for further information.