Author Biographies Vol. 6.1
Howard Hull is Director of the Ruskin Foundation, and of Brantwood, John Ruskin’s former home, where he has lived with his wife, Pamela, since 1996. He has lectured widely, especially on Ruskin, in Europe, America, and the United Kingdom. Hull graduated in English from St. Peter’s College, Oxford, in 1975. He taught Art History for the Oxford Overseas Studies Group, combining this with life as an artist in the fields of performance and installation. He has continued to practice in the visual arts throughout his career. In the early 1980s, he was a founding partner of the Support Group, an arts, education, and event management company responsible for organizing a number of large public festivals and celebrations and the re-enactment of two historic sailing voyages. He subsequently became Director, in turn, of the development offices of the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields and the Royal College of Art. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Society of Arts, and a Companion of the Guild of St. George.
John Dixon Hunt is an Emeritus Professor of the History and Theory of Landscape at the University of Pennsylvania. He edits both the international journal Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, now in its thirty-second year, and the Penn series Studies in Landscape Architecture, in which over thirty titles have so far appeared. He is the author of many books and articles, his most recent being A World of Gardens and The Making of Place (Reaktion Books, 2012 and 2015), and a collection of essays, Site, Sight, Insight (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016).
Myriam Pilutti Namer is an archaeologist and art historian. She presented her Ph.D. at the Scuola Normale Superiore in 2013 (supervisor Salvatore Settis). In 2013, she was awarded a postdoctoral “Vittore Branca” scholarship at the Cini Foundation, Venice, and she is currently a fellow of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, Naples (A. A. 2014–16). Since 2013, she has been an honorary fellow of Ancient Art and Archaeology at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. Her research interests include Roman sculpture, the history of archaeology, antiquarianism, restoration theories, and arts management in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italy.
Gionata Rizzi is an Italian architect who has worked on architectural conservation projects in Italy and abroad. He studied at ICCROM, received an M.A from the University of York, and served as assistant to Sir Bernard Feilden in Rajasthan and Bahrain. As a consultant to UNESCO, ICCROM, the Getty Conservation Institute and the World Monuments Fund, he has been engaged in various World Heritage sites, among them Templete Mudéjar in Guadalupe (Spain), a project that was awarded the Europa Nostra Prize. In Italy he directed the conservation of the façade of Parma Cathedral, designed experimental shelters for Herculaneum and the new roof over the mosaics of Piazza Armerina in Sicily. He has taught conservation design studios at the University of Pennsylvania and architectural conservation history and theories at the University of Milan. He has published on the technical, historical and theoretical aspects of conservation.
Gabrielle Ruddick is a student in the University of Pennsylvania’s Ph.D program in the History and Theory of Architecture. She holds a B.A. in Art History from Amherst College. Her dissertation is on the terminology of character in the nineteenth century.