Gustavo Giovannoni | Guido Zucconi
Defined by his multidisciplinary vision, Gustavo Giovannoni’s career spanned the first few decades of the twentieth century and encompassed three distinct paths: as a practicing professional civil engineer, as a teacher at the University of Rome, and as a scholar of Roman architecture and urban history. His major contribution was, however, in the field of conservation. For the first time, with Giovannoni’s vision, the notion of conservation was extended to the entire urban sector. From a single building to a wider context, he created not only cultural guidelines, but also technical tools concerning the spheres of legislation, urban planning, and architectural restoration.
The full article is available at Project Muse.
Image: The “piano di diradamento” scheme as suggested by Giovannoni for the center of Rome, in the area between the Tiber river and piazza Navona, 1913. (Vecchie città ed edilizia nuova, in Nuova Antologia, XLVIII, June 1, 1913)