July, 2014: The world watches in horror as once again a jihadist group—in this case, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant/Syria, known alternatively…

Figure 1. Procession of Triumphal Spoils in the Passageway of the Arch of Titus. Wikimedia Commons. Introduction Vandalism, usually the destruction, defacement, or desecration of…

The shock caused by the image of such destruction can easily inhibit thought on the event.1 —Jean François-Clément I. Introduction In March 2001, on the…

A young person I know asked recently about assassinations and their relation to simple murder. My answer was that anyone may be killed, while not…

The one thing to say about art and life is that art is art and life is life. —Ad Reinhart, 1962 In May 2004, a…

Introduction In San Francisco, common, underutilized commercial buildings of historical significance sustain a variety of deleterious physical changes, including graffiti, building modifications, and demolition. Of…

Introduction Vandalism, or acts of deliberate destruction, has occurred throughout history. Irrespective of vandalism’s social, political, or religious intent, the act itself constitutes damage upon…

It is a muggy early June morning in South Florida, the sort of cloudless, sunny day that overwhelms you with its heat and glare. At…

The Destruction of Art The most cursory of glances at the recent literature on the topics of vandalism and iconoclasm reveal that The Destruction of…