Historic Preservation: An American Perspective on a Professional Discipline | Frank Matero

Historic Preservation: An American Perspective on a Professional Discipline | Frank Matero

Beginning in the mid-1960s, courses in “historic preservation” entered a number of American universities, later developing into discrete academic programs by the 1970s.1 These programs, many…

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The Evolving Role of Contemporary Conservation Architects in India: Beyond Traditional Professional Practice | Ashima Krishna

The Evolving Role of Contemporary Conservation Architects in India: Beyond Traditional Professional Practice | Ashima Krishna

The field of heritage conservation in India was formally established in 1861 through the creation of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and was the…

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A Pattern Assemblage: Art, Craft, and Conservation | Jennifer Minner

A Pattern Assemblage: Art, Craft, and Conservation | Jennifer Minner

With an expression of intensity that later broke into a grin, Eden Marek, a graduate research assistant from Cornell University’s Department of City and Regional…

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Preservation at a Crossroads: The Need for Equity Preservation | Caroline Cheong

Preservation at a Crossroads: The Need for Equity Preservation | Caroline Cheong

Historic preservation in the United States has an image problem. The field has evolved from a conversation among an elite few regarding select monumental buildings…

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Conservation as Shared Responsibility: Social Equity, Social Justice, and the Public Good | Ainslee Meredith, Robyn Sloggett, Marcelle Scott

Conservation as Shared Responsibility: Social Equity, Social Justice, and the Public Good | Ainslee Meredith, Robyn Sloggett, Marcelle Scott

Conservation is a profession that works within, and for, the public sector, as well as for private clients who wish to preserve significant cultural material for the future. Support for…

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